Wednesday, January 30, 2013

1 year and 1 month post surgery. not a great outcome.

Well back again.

Tomorrow another meeting with the Doc.  Nice guy excellent surgeon.

Did not work for me.

I am about where I was before surgery.

Improvements:  No more sprains (might have been able to do this with ankle braces)

I did have one sprain early in Jan in the snow.  Would have been a ankle popper (min 6 week recovery) but I would probably have been wearing a brace if I had not had surgery, I almost did anyway.  As it was it was a grade 1, very minor sprain.


lack of stability/feedback apparently you lose the sensors in the ankle when this tendon is removed and replaced.  this is what gives you proprioception.
I dont have it anymore.  My ankle breaks into oscillations when I try to stay on it to long, I think this is sensor and not strength related.

I cannot be bare foot for any length of time, at most I can attend 2 or 3 classes (1hr long) per week.  Even then I cannot jump and end up with soreness (that I think is minor swelling) in the Tailor dome area.

One of the fingers of my right hand will no longer close to make a fist easily.  this let up during my steroid treatment then returned.  I suspect a higher than normal level of inflammation in my body.  Noticing some improvement but still painful and annoying.   This began just after surgery and has been constant. May not be related.

My other ankle is loose enough to warrant surgery but I feel more stable on it than my repaired ankle.

When attempting to restart PT with Ms Barnett I set up a schedule (re approved from insurance finally for 90 days of PT) her schedual changed and all of my appts were canceled.  At this time I think I have spent enough of the families time and effort on myself so will not look for more PT.  May change when I see Doc but doubt it.

My blood pressure and weight are almost back up to where they were before I started TKD.

I do not see the ankle improving although I will restart PT given to me before screw removal.  Due to my reaction to the screws I hope I never need knee or hip replacement, that would be ugly.

I will also try a paleo diet, some indications that it may remove overall inflammation in my body.

I will report by my birthday (april) if there is any improvement.

This is probably because I use  my ankles more than most folks and I am very flexible so the procedure may work for you.  For me it does not look good.  I can do everyday activities OK just not the 5 or 6 workouts a week as well as teaching. 

Good luck I hope your outcome is better than mine!