Part04 Home on the Couch
Home, home on the couch, where the keyboards and pills roam......
Meanwhile back on the couch.
pretzels water, 2 oxy 2 advil and a partridge in a pear tree. OH well
no caroling this year. Family will be good with it, they did not like
singing while I tried to sing and drug them to the next house. Pain 2,
almost feels like a sunburn, maybe they used a lazer on my ankle.
tired sleep becons,
Good hear snoring from Angie she is back to
sleep. OK foot up head down and go to sleep, May drop Oxy to 1 pain
mild I want to keep the poison down.
8am 1 oxy 2 advil 2 poached
eggs handfull of pretzels, cup of OJ, 2 dried plumbs. Pain 1 or 2 not
even close to a bad sprain. Mostly on the lower left side of my shin,
donor tendon I think. Might try the peg leg today. Feel good many
people taking good care of me.
I think Tara taught me how to get
better. be positive and keep marching. Meds every 4 hours is a big
help as well also lots of water, going through my big water bottle (40
oz) every 4 hours. Think I am hitting 30 oz mostly. Sure goes through
12N 2 oxy (ment to do 1 spaced out) 2 advil pain 1 . Tired
now 1230 I think 2 pills is now to much. Good time to take a nap
anyway. Spagetti, pretzels dried plums kumbucha water
Wow needed
food and water now I have a second wind. I think Joe is doing more
school work than when I am up and about. Both boys are mostly being
1600 1 oxy 2 advil blueberry scone
(arthur bought with his own money, thanks Arthur) cup raw milk few
pieces of beef from the beef stew (tastes great!)
2000 cleared up a blockage and feeling better. (tmi) Glad that is over with. Those chemicals really mess with you. pain still low using ice packs on knee to cool ankle. Cast is too thick to permit cooling.
TMI alert, might skip this part
one of my surgery problems a bit to enthusiastically. Smooth move tea
works well when you add prunes and a few other things you get to start
on the BRAT diet for a while. Small problems.
Yogurt then midnight meds. After that I am moving to a 6 hour med cycle! 1 oxy every 6 hrs. Looking good!
Next Part05
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