Sunday, December 18, 2011

Part06 Recovery at Home day 4

1000 hmm meant to take meds at 0800 but over slept.  Longest continuous sleep since surgery (or the week before I was nervous) went to bed at 1220 woke up at 5am completed a call of nature and then slept until 1000  at 0500 I took my synthroid.

Pain 2 maybe 3 Im going for 12N to take oxy if necessary.  Pain is different I can tell it is bone pain.  Probably from the screws Dr Vickars put in to ancker the tendon he stole from my ankle for my ankle.  Removed black shoe they gave me to protect my toes.  Im not supposed to toutch the ground with this foot and find I am getting sloppy so I lll see if some pain helps.  Should make it a bit lighter.  Noticing some soreness around my other knee possibly from all the jumping and sole support duties.  If it continues Ill use ice.

I can now feel what I think are stiches (thy are about where Dr Vickars said incisions would be anyway.)

I showed Joe how to check circulation on my foot (squeezing toe till pink goes away then release, good circ if pink comes back in less than a second).  Now he often squeezes my toe and says circulation OK.

Every time I get up during the day I do 5 slow front kicks (sorry toes are not back)  5 slow back kicks and 5 side leg lifts.  When talking to someone while standing I pull my knee to my chest and wiggle my toes.  No blood clots for me!  Also should help with strength.  Plan to continue without crutches when meds are gone and ballance good.   Also weights for other leg.  PT told me with old ankle injuries that working the non injured leg helps the injured one a bit.  I guess we naturally work both sides even when the load is on one.  PTs (Physical Therapists)  use this for folks that have long term casts on one leg or a paralyzed limb.  They work the heck out of the good one and get 10% or 20% benifit to the bad one.  Ill start sweating as soon as I find a good way to shower.  I think my next cast is removable  (you can always check how a tech and Engineer give a guy in a cast a shower, one of my other posts).

People in the house are starting to get grumpy I guess the fact that this is real is sinking in.  Oh well hopefully Christmas will help.

1300 pain 1 starting to feel something on the inside of my shin (lower) and an ache in my ankle feels like bone.  not bad I can tell its there.  Since I am not doing oxycodone today I will try to stay off my leg, no crazy stuff.  Going to keep Advil to 8 hr schedule to keep swelling down.  Might use oxy for bedtime, we will see be good to get off that stuff.

1615  2 advil a glass of raw milk  Pain 1 ache in left side of ankle.  Spent time at neighbors different muscles when you go long distance on crutches.  Scared the neighbor when I went down stairs, freaked my mom and Angie out as well.  I have had to deal with messed up ankles for a while so I know how to handle it.

1210 2 advil yogurt

0100  Bedtime.

Look for Part07

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