Sunday, December 18, 2011

Post Op Day of Surgery

When we left our intrepid hero the lights had gone out and he was drunk!

Well thats what happened,  I was in mid sentance and then I was teleported to POD 4 looking at a big clock 0936.  I dont drink but the nurse said I was drunk, but that I was a pleasant drunk.  I babbled about things, my brother Ted talked about Tae Kwon do cried a bit and remember everything very clearly.

Asked for a received some ice chips, bit later salteen crackers and water.  Then I asked for more crackers,  I think I ate the whole box  I was famished!  Very nice professional Nurse (Andrea) greeted me and kept me supplied with crackers and water.  I opened them with my teeth since my IV hand was uncomfortable to use.  Great volunteers.  I reminded them to call my mom and arrange for my Crutch training (phone # written on my thumb).  Also mentioned calling in the meds (the reason I brought $30 cash).

About 10 am I was a bit allarmed because I could not see or feel my foot.  Saw the foot (hmm unfortunate choice of words) was there and still on the right way in a cast but could not move or feel it.  (still cant at 0230).  Read a bit of my book.   Andrea called in the Meds again.
Asked for a recieved a urinal and they closed the curtians and removed the evidence.  Got dressed with the help of Andrea using some old sweat pants purchesd from a thrift store for this purpose.  They zip up about halfway up the calf and fit over the cast nicely.  I wanted used ones in case we had to cut the pants with scissors to get them on.

Physical therapist shows up   Andrea (pronounced differently) nice lady adjusts crutches to 5'7" (my height)  Give crutch class sets a belt around my abdoman and puts her hand on it while I walk with crutches.  We go to some stairs she shows me how to go up and come down.  She readjusts the crutches up one inch so they fit better.  Tells me to keep strides short and not to lean on the top of the crutches.

I sit down (very tired now) and ask for more saltines and water.  Andrea tells the story of her name, gives me the belt as a parting gift and leaves.
Meds get called in Again.   Mom (my ride home from my only other surgery for my wisdom teeth 30 years ago)

Andrea is replaced by Ann (who reminds me of CAJ)  Ann is told about the meds she calls again and is told they will be 30 min.  Mom walks down to get prescription , waits in line 10 minutes returns empty handed and a bit grumpy.  "they said another 30 minutes"   {hmm maybe they get a kick back from the parking folks).

Now I have been waiting 1.5 hours for a prescription.  I ask about getting the paper and filling it at my pharmacy.  Ann gets me some Advil to start and we stop by the pharmacy again (wheeled by a very nice lady volunteer).  Prescription filled.  Took 1/2 an Oxycodone
Wheeled out to car moved seat of toyota pickup back and put foot on dash  paid $5 for parking and escaped by 12:30pm.  Rigged the strap Andrea gave me across my back to just above my knee to keep pressure off my knee while driving to home (Dont worry I was a passenger),  I could not feel by leg so I did not want to strain something.  Worked well.

Hobbled into the house and moved to my prepaird coach where I am typing right now.  Took the other half of an oxycodone.

Very hungry snacking all afternoon.  Chicken (yum thank you chief) pretzels and lots of water and peppermint tea

4pm took 1 oxycodone and 2 advile.  Set up alarms in ipod for all the med times (every 4 hours)  I can take up to 3 Oxy every 4 to 6 hours.  Doc said advil (ibuprophan anyway) 2 every 4 hours as needed. 

1900  boys to bed and 1 oxycodone and 2 advile

0100  2 oxycodone 2 advil gell caps,  pins and needles intesifying  0300 tired pins and needles increasing.  Have not been able to move my toes or feel anything but pins and needles.  Sleepy time for an hours sleep and then meds.

Look for the next one  Recovering at home Part03

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